Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Mary Dresses Up for Middle School Honors Night

June 14 --  There is this woman who lives in my town that we all call affectionately, "Perfect Mary".  She just cracks us up because she always looks, well, perfect.  Hair done just so, adorable outfit, chip free nails, and the list goes on.  Her kids are awesome too.  And her husband.  Once, he was in the outfield during one of Riley's baseball games and I guess he ran to his car to get a sweatshirt  because it was cold while he was umping.  I looked out at him and grinned.  He was wearing a beautiful white jacket.    He looked like he was in some sports clothing ad.  I mean seriously.  I thought about how Brian was  wearing his comfy, but schlumpy sweatshirt.  Only Ray could look like he was in a fashion shoot during a ho-dunk small town baseball game.  And for God's sake, who seriously wears a white jacket in the middle of a Little League baseball field?

Anyway, tonight was honors night for the middle school kids and afterward, everyone piled out of the auditorium and into the lobby for refreshments.  And there was Mary looking resplendent in her long black skirt and white blouse.  I truly thought she had come from somewhere special.  It never, ever occurred to me that she had dressed so beautifully for the 1.25 hour 8th grade presentation.  So I joked, "Hey! did you just come from a choir concert?"  When she laughed and said no, I was like, "so where did you come from?"  ANd she just looked at me, confused.  That's when it hit me.  Omg!!  Mary just dressed up to come here!  yipes.    I thought to myself, are you jealous?  And I thought back, nahhhhh.  I know how to dress up when I care about dressing up.  I truly don't care what Mary wears.  I just felt awkward for assuming she dressed up for another (more important :) reason!

Whatever.  It's really not a big deal.  But I have to admit -- I can't wait to see what she wears tomorrow night for 8th grade graduation!

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