Thursday, June 9, 2011

Waiting for Luke to Come Home...

June 9 --  Today was Luke's last official day at the high school -- his last day as a public school student.  As a senior, he didn't have to take exams if he maintained an A average or if he took an AP class.  So he is done. 

And is already asking to go out -- over friends etc.

Because he left at 4:30 pm already, we told him to be home at 9pm.  At 9 he called to say that his phone died and could he stay until 9:30pm.  At 9:30pm, he called to say his car was stuck in a ditch which runs along the driveway at A's house, the friend who was hosting the casual gathering of kids.  Her father, apparently, was helping Luke get the car out.   I called the cell he used at 10pm -- apparently he had just gotten out of the ditch and was now heading home.  It's about a 15 minute ride from here.  Maybe 20 minutes.  And now I wait.

I hate this part;  I really do.  It's all normal, all part of life.  I just cannot stand it.  And he is only our first.  Seriously, will I be more relaxed with Riley?  I have no idea.  Luke has always been one to kind of push the envelope.  Maybe that is why I am a little more cautious, a little more anxious.  That and yes, he is the first one to go through all of this.  ughhhh. 

I told Brian tonight.  I don't want to let him go.  I really don't.  But then i do.  I wonder, why does it have to be so damn complicated?!   In the dark, I can see his headlights coming down the driveway.  I say a prayer of thanks.  One day at a time.  One at at time.  It's all I can do.

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