Wednesday, June 1, 2011

18 Years Ago I was in Labor right now...

June 1 --   Luke turns 18 in just a few hours.  At this time, 18 years ago, I was in labor trying to push the boy out.  (They ended up using one of those vacuum things to suck him out.)  I was trying to push but it was my first kid and apparently, I was not a natural pusher.  The nurse told me so.  She said I wasn't good at pushing.  The competitor in me got kind of pissed at that but really, after hours and hours of painful labor, I really couldn't fight anymore.  But...he did eventually make it out into this world, healthy and adorable, thank God.

It's just really unbelievable to think I have a child who is 18 years old.  Somebody who can vote.  It's crazy.  But it's nice too -- he is growing up to be a very amazing young man.  And I am so happy for him.  Scared to see him move farther and farther away from me.  But happy as well.  After all.  He is moving in the right direction.  I raised him to leave the nest.  I just didn't stop to think how much that would hurt.  Oh well.  This too shall pass.  :)

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