Friday, June 10, 2011

too much going on...

June 10 -- I just feel like all of this is my fault.  Then again, I always feel like everything is my fault.  There is too much going on and I take ownership -- I feel like I should have some sort of insight or epiphany or decision making ability to just say "no."  Even Tessa's dance recital this weekend.  Originally, I was like okay, it's on two days.  We will go to one.  But Tessa whined.  And I thought, geesh, maybe I should go to both recitals (which are exactly the same btw.)  And now I hear of many other mothers who are only going on one day.  I feel stupid because, quite frankly, it's a royal pita to go to both.  With Luke's graduation party next weekend, we have like no time left to get the yard and house ready or to buy the stuff we need etc.

And my mother is coming over tomorrow to get her hair colored.  And Connor has to go out to some kids house to study, and Tessa has to be dropped off a half hour away, an hour earlier than when the damn recital starts.  Truly.  I am so pissed.  I feel like I screwed up somehow.  And I don't know how to fix it.  I dont.  Everyone is running around complaining about how tired they are.  Well duh.  Because we have all committed to like a million things.  It's nuts.  totally nuts.

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