Thursday, June 2, 2011

Yays and Boos

June 2 --  Today was a beautiful day, not to hot but warm enough to feel good.  The sun was out and a nice cool wind was blowing.

But so many other things going on...Luke's birthday celebrations (yay), a nice walk by the river early in the morning (yay), a really good day at work with my communication students getting interviewed (yay), Tessa calling to say she is sick (boo), Brian taking her to the doctor's to see if she has strep (yay for Brian taking her while I was stuck at work, boo for Tessa being considered for strep), Tessa getting antibiotics for strep and sinus infection (boo), Tessa freaking out because she feels awful and doesn't think she will be able to go to her graduation dance at  school tomorrow night (boo), seeing Aaron tonight when he came over to say Happy Birthday to Luke (yay),  Luke having a nice birthday (yay), me getting a nice haircut and color (yay),  Tessa calling me up to her room because she can't sleep (boo)  my hair dresser Denise telling me she was just diagnosed with breast cancer (total boo.)

I feel like an emotional yo-yo.  And so it goes.

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