Friday, June 17, 2011

Wiener Gets a Pension?

June 17 -- So I just need to get something straight.  First Congressman Wiener sends a photo of his junk to a woman he has a "crush" on.  What a dork.  Then he gets caught because she exposes him.  ha -- nice word.  Then he denies it.  Then he hires a detective to find out who sent the photos.  Then he admits that he did send the photo and it actually was him in the photo.  (wow -- what a revelation)  And then he goes for therapy.  And meanwhile his wife (who works for Hilary Rodham Clinton of all people) is pregnant, omg.  And then he says he won't resign.  And then he does.  Resign.

And now he gets a pension?!!   From the taxpayers?  What's it for?  Royalties?   And he gets money for being, umm, a wiener?!!

I don't know why I am bothering with my parenting efforts -- trying so hard to teach my children about developing and exhibiting moral strength.  Why should I waste all of our time?  It's obviously not going to get them anywhere.  Ughh.  The whole thing is just insane. It's totally... nuts.  (haha)

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