Monday, June 27, 2011

Home Again...

June 27 --  What a wild, wonderful weekend I had but now I am home again and gearing up to tackle all that is heading my way...I can't say I am refreshed and energized (got like no sleep the last four days!) but it is what it is.

hanging with the girls was great as usual but yesterday I had to leave and drive three hours to go to my niece's shower and then drive three hours back again  -- all in one day.  that was totally exhausting.  And boring.  It's a long drive when you're alone.   But going out to dinner last night with everyone and then hanging on the beach for a while today (plus shopping at the outlets on the way home!) made the effort totally worth it.

But now I have SO much to do...

Tessa seems to be having a complete blast at camp.  And Connor is starting to show signs of exhaustion.  It is very difficult what he is doing.  Fortunately he has a day off at home this Friday.  Looking forward to seeing him -- I feel like it's been ages!

And then of course it's prep time for the messy work of popcorn ceiling removal starting on Wednesday ...ughhh!   The craziness continues.

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