Thursday, September 22, 2011

$16 Muffins?! Seriously?

September 22 -- I have a class of juniors who love to bash the government.  It's kind of adorable actually to hear them get all worked up about how the government is the cause of all of our problems.  One student, not really one of my strongest but clearly a young man who is quite passionate about the current state of affairs in this country, recently shared his ultimate goal for life and hung it up on the "dream" board in my classroom.  In bright purple marker he wrote,  "I am going to fix the government."  I don't know.  Works for me.

God bless this kid because he's got an uphill battle for sure.  I mean, I guess the first thing he will have to do is put everyone on a diet.  I say this because I was recently listening to a broadcast talking about the judicial department's judicious decision to purchase muffins for $16 each.  Now I am no dummy.  I realize that if the government is spending that much money on a friggin' muffin, it's got to be loaded with good stuff.  Like, chocolate, walnuts, or maybe pistachios because they are a little more expensive, no wait, I think pecans are pricier.  Then maybe there is pumpkin flavoring which would make total sense (re. jacking up the price) because everyone knows that pumpkins are more expensive this season because of Tropical storm Irene.  Oh yeah.  The canned pumpkins came out before Irene.  But maybe canned pumpkins follow the logic of how gas prices (for gas already pumped and brought to gas stations) suddenly gets more expensive when there is a storm brewing off the coast of ummm, Africa or something.  Yeah.  I am fairly certain that's why the the muffins were so expensive.  Between rising gas prices and pumpkins, that's more than enough reason to escalate baked good prices.  It's simple economics.   So I am thinking a diet might be a good idea for all these muffin eaters.  Save us taxpayers a couple of bucks you know?!

Yeah.  Of course they spent tons of money on food without thinking about price.  Cuz people are so smart these days.  So savvy.  So techy and brilliant.  I am just saying, I pray these kids in my American Lit class figure it out.  At least I know one thing.  Not one of my students would ever spend $16 for a muffin.  At least I hope so anyway.   God Bless the lil' Pumpkins of America.

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