Saturday, September 10, 2011

A Letter to My Dad -- Who Has Alzheimer's

September 10 --  Today I wrote another letter to my dad for his memory book.  I started the memory book earlier this year and my goal was to send him letters (he loves mail) with memories about my childhood that he could read again and again.  Needless to say, life took over and I have not added any information in months.  Tonight, I wrote a letter impulsively...

Dear Dad,

I have another memory for you to put in your book.  I was thinking about how we used to go to Goose Green Lake in the summer.  I remember how we wouldn’t know we were going and then, suddenly, you would tell us to get someone to do our newspaper route because we were going “to Goose Green.”  And we would all shout in happiness.

I loved how everything smelled at Goose Green Lake.  There was the crisp smell of the pines which made you want to head under them to sit under the trees where it was  shady and cool.  I remember the scent of the Coppertone suntan lotion we used.  But mostly I remember how, when you held us in the water or threw us in the air to land splashing in the lake, you smelled so clean…so safe.  I always loved that smell and I will never, ever forget it.

I thought you were so cool Dad, because you would find those reeds or sticks and whittle whistles for us.  Nobody else’s dad could do that!  I wish I still had one of those whistles to show my kids.  I remember how you would slant the tip of the stick at the whistle part.  It was all very mysterious how you were able to do it.  But the sound…it was beautiful.  Maybe not to you guys – I am guessing that the sound of all of us playing on those whistles was kind of obnoxious-- but I loved that music.

And I love you.

Have a great day!        Xoxo, Your daughter, T

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