Thursday, September 8, 2011

Every Day I'm Shufflin'

September 8 -- I swear I feel like I am a basketball bouncing from one responsibility to another.  I wake up and I am the wife in bed with my husband.  I go downstairs and I am the mom picking up the laundry on the stairs.  And so it goes... all day long.  I do realize that I am not alone in this shuffle madness but as I free fall in this state of utter exhaustion, I feel really lonely.  I miss talking to my friends the most.  I mean, I am making new friends at work for sure but it's not the same.

This morning, when it was pouring rain out with thunder thrown in for added effect, I did NOT want to go to work.  I looked at Brian and was like, I cannot stand this job!  Poor guy.  But then, maybe half way through the day, I was in the middle of a class discussion about a poem and the kids were like, soooo into it and I thought, whoaaaa, this is really, really cool!

And then I got home and Luke called.  I hate that I can't figure out how he is doing at school.  I mean he says he is fine, he says he is not sad, he says things are good.  But then he is like, you know, I can catch a ride home with Anthony sometime...and then I ask, do you want to come home?  And he says no.  Aghhhhh.  I think he is fine, just maybe a little homesick.  I have nothing to offer him but my encouragement and my prayers.  I have to cut the cord.  But it still is really hard.

And now off to bed.  Just finished off my wine -- the high of the night.

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