Monday, September 5, 2011

Back to the Grind

September 5 --  So my first three day weekend is over...none in sight for awhile.  It's kind of weird to think about going back to for another week.  I spent all day (and I mean all day) just working on this week's lesson plans for all three preps (five classes).  It's not just figuring out what to teach, it's learning the material, doing the handouts, hw, essential questions etc.  And you can't rush that thinking or preparing.

I was bummed about not being able to head out with Brian and the kids when they went out for awhile but i did get out for a nice bike ride tonight and -- even more importantly -- I was home when Luke called from school!  He is really loving it.  Apparently he and his roommate re-arranged their room and were searching Craigslist for a couch.  I was like, what?!  What did you do to the room?  (I loved how we set up his side of the room!  It was so chic and cozy and put-together.  Totally cool.)  He just laughed at me.  He's right -- it is his room to do what he wants to it.  (I guess. :)   So I sat at my computer at home and he sat at his laptop at school and we both did some googling on line, searching for the right product at the right price.   I was finally able to convince him to get a couple of comfy chairs (great bean bag chairs with armrests at Walmart!) instead of a couch.  Ahhhhh.  I really do love the design stuff.   I am so glad I am not done with opportunities to tap into that creative side.  Not that teaching isn't creative.  It's just a different aspect of it, that's all.

So on to week 2.

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