Saturday, September 24, 2011

Rachel's Wedding Bash

September 24 -- Tonight we went to a friend's wedding celebration.  It's a repeat wedding  -- second time around -- for both she and her husband.  They really looked very happy together and anyone looking at them couldn't help but notice their joy.  It was sweet.  As we left, I looked over at them and I thought to myself, Rachel is so pretty.  I bet her husband, who looks like he is at least ten years older than she is, probably looks over at her while she is sleeping next to him and thinks about what a lucky guy he is to have her in his life.

I told that to Brian and he said, "that's how I think about you."  I burst out laughing.  I told him that he was totally lying.  The man passes out the second his head hits the pillow.  There is no admiring his "beautiful" wife.  I could have black shoe polish all over my face and he wouldn't notice.  Noooooo.  That's for the newlyweds -- particularly those who are late in life and know the meaning of gratitude.  I am not saying Brian and I aren't grateful for each other;  it's just that it has been like, over 20 years.  yipes, almost 25!  So if he passes out before he can notice my beauty (ha) that's okay.   I know he loves me.  But I am happy for my friend.  She deserves it.  (Everyone does, actually!)

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