Tuesday, September 27, 2011

I FINALLY Make it to Spinning Class

September 27 -- Connor had a meeting tonight in a nearby town.  He is being extremely industrious this sophomore year having decided that he needs to "step it up" if he wants to get into West Point.  (I have, rather wisely I think, decided to refrain from commenting on this new goal of his.  I am preferring to just sit back and watch where it goes.  I am not a fan of him being in the military but...it's a great school and if he gets in, it's free.  Ya can't beat that with a stick.)

Anyway...he is following his interest right now and that is to get involved with the community.  So when he applied for and then landed a spot on the United Way Youth Board in our regional area, I was like, you go Connor!  And then I found out where it was.  Yechhh.  a 20 minute commute one way.  But then I came up with the brilliant idea -- drop him off and go to spinning class!  Hooray.  I am so smart I could get into West Point.  Haha.   Once I figured out that I could take a spinning class and still get back in time to pick him up after his meeting, I did just that.  And boy was it awesome.  I miss those sweaty hours at the gym with the blaring music, the pumping bass, the feeling that I can conquer anything, especially an instructor who keeps yelling, "faster, faster, faster!!"  I pedaled my bike and grinned like a crazy woman the whole time.

And then, I picked up Connor, came home, and had a nice, huge piece of chocolate birthday cake. With wine.


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