Wednesday, September 21, 2011

I Hate My Job Today

September 21-- I don't know why (oh yes I do) but I hate my job today.  Truly.  I don't use that word loosely either.  There are like, a billion reasons.  Let's about the mother who just sent me an email regarding her son and his "effort" to do well but is panicking because his group isn't done with their project which is due on Friday but was assigned last TUESDAY.  She is worried about his grade?  He is trying hard?  Really?  The kid just started working on it today.  Over a week after I assigned it.  And yeah.  I just spent 20 minutes (at 9:30pm when I should be sleeping, I am so exhausted) answering her email with the PC language...ughhhh!!

Maybe I hate it because my sister in law called me last night and told me about her exciting and relatively stress free new job working for an interior decorating company where she goes in at 9 and comes home at 5 and doesn't work weekends.  ANd she doesn't even DO interior decorating!  Or maybe I hate it because I am so tired of missing the gym and getting up early to go teach a bunch of kids whose parents whine when their kid panics because they didn't start the assignment till two days before it was due.

Or because my friend Lori got to celebrate her birthday wearing pj's all morning and sipping her coffee. In silence.   MY birthday, however, will be spent watching project presentations done by kids who waited till the last minute to do the assignment.  It's so nice to have all lower level kids.  What a joy to see their enthusiasm and independent effort vs. hanging on to their mom's apron strings.   (Yeah, I am not naive.  I know this happens at the higher levels too.)

Or maybe it's because I was told I had three cavities today when I went to the dentist.  ANd now I have to go back.  I'm getting the friggin' novocaine.  I wish I could have some now.  Wine will have to do.

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