Thursday, September 15, 2011

Brad Pitt Comes Clean

September 15 --  So I just saw an article where Brad Pitt admits "in a candid interview" his reasons for ending his marriage to Jennifer Aniston.  It's definitely not candid if he doesn't admit his attraction to this mid-life housewife who is like, hellooooo, the answer to his dreams.  haha.

I was just talking about Brad Pitt to my students today.  One of their assignments in their character analysis projects is to come up with an actor who could portray their character.  Since many of the characters in the book are rugged cowboy types,  I naturally suggested ol' Brad.  In fact, I would put Brad in pretty much any movie I made.  And George Clooney...and oh, definitely Johnny Depp.  Yup.  I think I made a big mistake going back to teaching because I am fairly certain I would have been one helluva casting director.


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