Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Everyday I'm ... Correctin' (and shufflin')

September 20 --  Yup.  Still correcting those d@$n benchmark assessment essays that I gave students in four out of my five classes last Friday.  8 more essays to go.  And then I get to correct the mythology stories the kids in my Great Books, Great Films class wrote.  woo hoo.  And the grammar benchmark assessments I am giving tomorrow.  I can completely see the need for these benchmark assessments (to confirm that my kids need to learn a lot this year) but it's driving me bananas.  Seriously.

I have a dentist appointment tomorrow.  I hate the dentist.  It goes back to my childhood when my siblings and I competed (out of a distorted sense of loyalty to my dad who had no dental insurance) to see who could get the most intense dental work done without the need of pain medication.  Oh yeah.  I swear to God.  My sister would come out of the office, cheek swollen, drops of dried blood on her lip and would proudly announce, "four cavities and NO Novocain!"  And then  I would slowly stumble into the office and carefully climb into the naugahyde chair, admiring the new plastic ring I saw on my sister's  finger (from the dentist's ring tray for well behaved little girls).  But I was blessed with strong teeth so I would nearly cry in joy when the dentist gave me the miraculous news, "all done Tania, no cavities!!"   It would take me so long to pick my ring but then my excitement about avoiding any painful dental procedure would drop when I came out to the lobby and couldn't even compete with my stalwart sister who saved my dad bundles of money by refusing her pain meds.   (Guess which one of us ended up with epidurals.)  yup.  That would be me.  And I wear that label with pride.  Total and complete pride.

So why am I talking about dental pain and anxiety and the pain of childbirth in connection with correcting all of these papers?  Goodness.  I have absolutely no idea...

Just wish there were a tray of jewels I could pick from when I finally complete correcting this batch of essays.

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