Friday, September 23, 2011


September 23rd -- And so I am a year older.  I cannot even believe I have been writing this blog for nine months just as I cannot believe how close I am getting to 50.  Not there yet but close.  Ughhhh.

I had a really, really nice day.  Tonight, Brian took me and the kids to see Luke at school.  We went out for dinner and had a blast.  The kids get along so well, even Riley who was half passed out because he was so zonked from his outdoor (in the rain) wilderness field trip today.  It was wonderful to see Luke who seems to be totally enjoying his college life.  He just seem so, relaxed and happy.  Not in a crazy woo hoo sense but more in a laid back, this is cool kind of way.  His roommate seems great too.

Seriously.  It was like the best birthday I have had in a long time.  As much as I was bummed about working on my birthday, the kids at school made it special.   My last period class (who found out from my friend Alison) sang Happy Birthday, and so did all of the xc boys after school.  (Connor told them!)  It was really sweet and special.

And now, off to bed.

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