Monday, September 12, 2011

Design Star Winner! (I wish it were me :)

September 12 -- I stayed up tonight with the kids -- special treat for them -- to watch the finale of Design Star.  Tessa couldn't stop talking about it all night and then, right when they were about to announce the winner, I looked over at my daughter who ran four/five miles today in cross country and...she was fast asleep.  Too funny.  I, however, was wide awake and on the edge of my seat.  And my favorite (Meg) won.  Of course.  I picked every person who left the show each week.  I knew Meg was going to win.

As I watched, when a commercial break came on, I would dash upstairs to get ready for bed and then come back down to watch the rest of the show when the commercials were over.  And I couldn't help but admire how my house looked (during the mad dashes upstairs and back down.)  The lighting was great, the wall colors lovely, the accessories popped in just the right spots with perfect balance.  And it was abundantly clear -- I wish I were on Design Star!!  It would be great!  I could be a middle aged designer whose schtick was to create comfortable, inviting rooms for woman suffering from mid-life mood swings and hot flashes!  I would be the oldest Design Star ever!  I could make HGTV history!!

And now I have to ask myself, what is it about me that isn't happy where I am?  After a year and a half of interviewing,  I finally get this teaching job, in an economy where people are struggling to find decent employment.  And now I am daydreaming about ditching it to try out for an HGTV show?  Yes, yes, I am joking about the "leaving teaching for HGTV"  That's a pipe dream.  But I could still try out sometime...maybe when I am even older.  Then I could design for senior there's a thought!  (Do senior citizens even watch HGTV?)

When it comes down to it -- decorating is my passion, teaching is a love.  (and a steady paycheck to boot.)  Is there a difference?  Can I do it all?  Time will for now, it's time to get some sleep so I can be on the ball for those precious kids (and truly, they are) in school tomorrow.

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