Sunday, September 25, 2011

Sunday Night Emails From Parents?!!

September 25 --  One of the things about teaching is that I think it is imperative to connect with parents.  I wish it were just for good things but unfortunately it's usually the child who is slipping whose parent gets the first call.  I guess what I did NOT expect was the parents who contact me to defend their child for not finishing the project or whatever.

15 years ago, I RARELY got a parent phone call.  Maybe two in three years.  Four weeks in and I have gotten four emails.  One was in response to a phone call I made to the parent last week so that doesn't count.  But the other three were to "defend" their child who had a week and a half to complete an assignment and, in the eleventh hour, was freaking out because he/she picked the power point and couldn't get it finished or working or whatever.  Honestly?  I feel bad for the student.  How is he/she ever going to make decisions to help him/her stand on their own two feet if Mommy is always acting as a support stick?

I understand that the parent is just scared.  There is so much pressure to do well in school to go to a good college to get a good job and have a happy life that I guess a little assignment in 9th grade looks huge and scary.  But it's one assignment out of many.  And if Johnny or Sue gets a bad grade and next time is more responsible -- it's a lifelong lesson!

Ugghhhhh.  It's a challenge for all -- including the teacher!!  Lord help me.

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