Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Lily Goes Upstairs...

September 14, 2011 -- I really don't know how this all came about but we officially decided -- in the last week or so -- to let Lily go upstairs.  I drew the line at letting her sleep in a bed upstairs but I just feel like she is always up there whenever we go out so why the heck not make it official?  (She is forever leaving ripped up Kleenexes and stuff lying around the bedrooms.)  So it was kind of funny today when Connor told me that he texted Luke and gave him the news that now, "Lily is allowed to go upstairs."  I guess Luke texted back, "really?!!"  The kids always wanted us to let the dog come upstairs but I am betting Luke was bummed to hear that by the time we finally gave in to their begging, he was already gone.

I read a story recently about how dogs get depressed when kids go back to school.  Our house totally empties out in the fall so I guess Lily is pretty sad.  But she doesn't act like the dogs in the article so I think we are okay.  Apparently, one dog who always slept with the teenage boy in the family totally fell apart when he left to go to college for the first time.  (Thus confirming my rule about not letting Lily sleep in the kids' beds. I can barely stand looking at Luke's empty bed;  I can't even imagine how Lily would feel if she were used to sleeping in his bed every night...)

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