Saturday, September 17, 2011

Correcting Papers On a Saturday Night...

September 17 -- So here I am on a Saturday night, correcting papers in my office (to add to the cheaters are resting nearby in case of emergency due to pale, tiny handwriting.  uggh I am so old!)  Brian is also nearby working on his computer.  Thank God.  I told him, I am so glad he has a second business and is okay with me correcting papers while he works etc.  Because it would totally suck if he was like, hey...let's watch a movie.  At least we are both working.

I have to confess much of a drag it is, I am glad that I am doing it.  I am learning lots about my English students, getting a very clear idea of how hard I am going to have to work to lead them to a higher level of learning but -- omigod, this is huge -- at least I can see where I need to go. This is priceless!  Now of course, the issue remains about whether or not I can actually take them further on their leaning curve (and for some of them, it is steep indeed) but they are earnest students.  I can tell in their essays, poorly supported but -- so hopeful -- well organized in paragraph format!  A start at least!

But one more confession.  As I am working on this pile of papers, a glass of malbec is very, very helpful.  It is, after all, Saturday night!  And the fun-loving part of me is...well...part of me!  Sure there are parties going on that I am not attending, or friends to hang out with, but at this stage in my life -- this is my life!  And I am really okay with it.  Really.

(For anyone interested, this Malbec is amazing.  Totally smooth, like butter.  Forgive me if I am not using correct wine verbage but really, it's like butter!  Gouguenheim Malbec, 2009.  Got it for $9.99.)

Now off to read more papers.  Not.  I deserve a break so I am going to bed -- will read some more of Left Neglected -- a great book so far...scary, but good.

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