Thursday, September 29, 2011

Icing My Butt

September 29 -- At the risk of sounding porno, I have decided to dedicate this entry to the miracle of ice cubes. Not only do they make an ordinary glass of tap water extraordinary and refreshing, ice cubes are the best for old age ailments like sore butt muscles. Went to another spinning class tonight -- hooray. But I have this stupid lower back ailment that is flaring up. So after I rubbed an ice cube into the aching muscle, i felt much better. My brother Peter, physical therapist extraordinaire, told me that ice is the number one tool for therapy.

So, with my rejuvenated butt, I feel like a new woman. Or maybe it's just the wine talking. Hmmmmm. Maybe I dedicated this entry to the wrong liquid. (frozen or not.)

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