Monday, September 19, 2011

Open House at the High School

September 19 -- When I got this teaching gig last June, I remember thinking to myself, how weird is Open House going to be?  For the last 15 years I have been the one going to open house, not the one standing in front of the parents.  But I know what parents are looking for when they come to your classroom -- they want to check you out, see if you are interesting, see who is in their kid's class and then get the hell outa' Dodge.  It's conferences that are a little more intense, not open house.

So I was fine. And looking forward to it as well.  Only problem is, hardly anyone showed up!  Since we changed the date of the original open house and barely communicated the new one, I think I had all of 20 parents show up for 90 students.  It's too bad but it is what it is and I for one, can now officially cross of the Open House as a new thing this year for me.  It's a year of "firsts" for sure.

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