Sunday, September 18, 2011

Still Correcting...but now it's Sunday night

September 18 --  Spent the day catching up on more errands with Tessa.  Apparently, one must buy a new dress for every high school dance that even hints at formality -- like the homecoming dance next weekend.  Why she can't wear the dress she had on for ummmm, three point five hours last year at graduation is beyond me.  After all, I can barely remember the dress, how the heck will the dance attendees at the high school know that she wore it for graduation?!!  But alas, we went out dress shopping, and shoe shopping (for pointe dance, not for the homecoming dance.  I stayed firm on that one -- she is wearing her black sandals that we bought last spring!)

When we got home, Brian was furious with me because I let Tessa buy a black dress that is um, okay, somewhat sexy.  But it's not horribly sexy like, it's not low cut.  It fits her tiny body really well with nothing hanging out.  Connor freaked out too when he saw it.  "You don't think it looks good?" I asked him when I saw the horror in his eyes.  "No," he mouthed to me, "she looks too good."  He raised his eyebrows to confirm that apparently, this was not a good thing.  He is so protective of her, it's actually kind of endearing.   As for Brian, I told him that I spent four hours of my day shopping with her and that if he had any spare time this week, he was free to take Tessa out and find another dress.  That shut him up.

So now, I am spending my evening correcting and making plans for this week.  And my daughter has her very pretty (black) dress for the dance.  Brian is off to bed already, sound asleep.  It's official.  Next time, he's doing the dress shopping.

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