Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Always the Bridesmaid...Never the Bride

May 25 --  I had another interview for a teaching position today;  this time it was for  a 7th grade Language Arts position at a local middle school.  In an awesome district. Seriously.  their test scores rock in comparison to our town's.

ANyway,  I had the weirdest feeling when I went for the interview.  It wasn't so much that I didn't care.  I did.  It's just that I have this vibe now, after, let's see...six interviews in as many towns, that even when I think I did great, it's not great enough to get called back.  The last interview I had, I swear I did awesome.  When the principal walked me to the door and told me they would be calling back the top two candidates I was like, "hey, don't even bother with the rest of the interviews.  I know you all loved me, just tell me now."  But nooooooo, I wasn't even a finalist.  The good news, I guess, is that at least I am getting called in for interviews.

So today, I thought I did okay.  That's about it.  I had some good answers, and some ah, average ones.  Or so I think.  Actually, I don't think I did that well.  It's weird.  You just never know the questions -- everyone asks such different ones.  And I wasn't great at the specifics.  I am too generalist and I can't spit off all the "lingo" answers.  Screw the lingo.

We'll see what happens.  This town is moving slower so I won't hear for a while.  And then, of course, I had an awesome day at work.  I really do have fun with this part time job -- mostly because we all seem to get along in the office.  But it's part time and hourly pay.  I get that.  But I could always work for Brian and bring in more money for his business.  ughhhhhh.  I don't know what to do!!!!

As I say to the day at a time.

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