Sunday, May 15, 2011

Ticks Suck, haha

May 15 -- Prom weekend is over, thank God.  First Luke was going to skip school tomorrow and go to the beach, then changed his mind, then considered it again but after considering that he missed school last Friday, is missing school this Friday and on Monday and Tuesday of next week, he re-considered and decided to go in, late.  But then got invited to a birthday lunch (which I think is a great idea!) and so now he is going in on time and leaving early.  Fine by me.  With the lousy weather, it's horrible camping anyway so why bother?

Speaking of camping, as my exhausted son went to bed, he discovered a tick on his chest.  Which I removed like I have removed so many before.  Except this one left its stinger or head (I have no clue) in his skin.  And we can't get it out.  I am so annoyed and yes, a little worried.  I hate these ticks.  And now I have to call the doctor.  The door closes to one anxiety and opens the window to another.  Stinking ticks.  That's why I prefer camping in hotel rooms.  Although even there, the issue of nasty sucking critters is also a concern -- apparently bed bugs are on the rampage.  Ughhh.   No rest for the weary.

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