Friday, May 20, 2011

New Chicken Coop

May 20 --  In the midst of all the other craziness going on this week, we got our new shed today -- woo hoo -- which we are renovating to become a new and improved chicken coop.  Brian and Luke and Riley got up really early to tear down the old one and sure enough, just as the shed people predicted, the installers arrived bright and early at 8am.  Fortunately, the guys had just finished tearing down the old one.

Riley was so cute on the tractor -- pulling down the old shed.  Actually, he was kind of fierce --- an amazing and tireless worker for a ten year old.  He worked with Brian all day getting the linoleum down, putting up the roosting perches and laying down the hay so the girls are all comfy cozy in their new home tonight.

With all of the stuff going on with Luke right now, it's so awesome to be around someone whose enthusiasm for life is pure and innocent.  The contrast with Mr. Senior who thinks our rules are far too strict is unbelievable.  I do realize that Riley will reach that point of teenage disdain as well.  But for now, I am going to enjoy his ten year old energy -- pure and simple.

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