Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Honors Night

May 18 --  So we experienced our first Honors Night for a graduating senior where all the awards and scholarships are announced.  Needless to say, it was a very, very, long night.  I had to pee the entire time but bravely held it because I was afraid that if I got up I might miss something.

There is so much change going on right now I am out of my mind.  I just feel like curling up in the fetal position and crying.  Luke looks so old to me all of a sudden.  And he got the Michael Rossi Scholarship which was perfect for him.  Not a lot of money but honestly?  The symbolism, the soulful connection with the teacher whose life and death so profoundly affected him -- it's priceless.  I am so proud of Luke.  I really am.  And excited as well.  Right now, he is making some fairly important decisions that will have a profound impact on him -- and I just pray to God that he makes those decisions out of a place of love.

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