Thursday, May 19, 2011

Arnold Puts Acting Career on Hold

May 19 --  In the latest episode of Arnold and Maria Gone Bad, it appears that Arnold has announced that he is putting his acting career on hold for the time being.  To which I ask, what career?  Seriously, maybe he was starting to review lines for some movie yet to be filmed but I just have to marvel at the drama of this whole situation.  It's almost surreal.   If someone were to actually make it into a movie, it would probably be panned at the box office for being an "unbelievable plot."   Intense, huge muscled actor from Austria meets and marries a woman from the family of the most famous political dynasty in America, then becomes Governor of California for God's sake, then decides to go back to acting except for whoops -- his career comes to a sharp halt when his wife finds out about his illegitimate child.  Who is now 10 years old.

I can only think about the child.  Who is the same age as Riley.  Despite the bizarre and almost hilarious presentations of the daily updates, I can't get beyond the fact that there are children who are directly connected to the plot.   And that is the saddest part of it all.  They are not fictional, cartoon characters.  They're kids who are going through challenging days just by virtue of being kids in today's world.  And now they have all of this extra stuff to deal with.  Stuff that is definitely not their fault or responsibility.  With all the banter about the adults, with all the airing of private information, it's the kids who get hit the hardest.  So sad.

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