Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Arnold's Love Child

May 17 -- So this morning Brian brought me my coffee and the first thing he told me about was Arnold Schwarzenegger's (sp) child that he had with a woman who worked for him at his home.  House staff.  Hmmmmm.  First, I can't even imagine someone in my house working...who is getting paid.  Fascinating.  Second, I officially decided I don't like the expression "love child."  It is so mean.  Seriously.  The guy has four kids with Maria Shriver.  But he only "loves" the one he had with the maid or phone answerer or cook or cleaner or whatever it is that someone who is called "house staff" actually does.

I don't know. The whole thing is bizarre.  I have to say, as I looked out the window and took my first sip of coffee, I was miles away from caring about Maria Shriver and Arnold Schwarzenegger.  What is it about people airing their personal dramas for all the world to see?  hahahaha.

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