Saturday, May 28, 2011

Graduation Party Season Begins...

May 28 -- Three weeks until graduation and this weekend marked our first (and maybe only?!) graduation party.  It was a lovely event and we got there late because Riley had a baseball game and Connor had practice and yada yada yada, the days are so crazy!

But it was fun and there were a nice bunch of people who came late like we did.  (whew).  We got the invitations in the mail for Luke's party today and now we just have to send some to a few more of his friends whose addresses I don't have ...but there are like 25 parties that day so I don't know how many will make it to Luke's party.  But whatever.  it will be fine.  I am soooooo, not going to worry about it.  But Shelley did such a nice job with the tent and the tables and so on.   Do I have to do that?  aaaahhhh!!!

I will do the best I can.  What else can I do?  And it will be fine.

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