Sunday, May 22, 2011

My Fifth Grader Has a Girlfriend??!

May 22 --  On Friday, I let Riley take a day off from school.  We were getting the new chicken coop and he is an unbelievable force when it comes to working in the yard.  He also (according to my husband) has amazing talent in the engineering facets of life -- particularly when it comes to the chicken coop stuff.  So he stayed home to be a worker bee.

At one point, he and I were alone in the van and for some reason, I had this completely spontaneous urge to ask him, "hey Riley, who are the pretty girls in your grade?"  He smiled, blushed and basically didn't answer me.  I pressed him.  Finally, he gave me a few names.  He was so awkward about telling me, I didn't think anything more about it.  Until today.

Tonight, just before dinner, Tessa came up behind him, put her hands over his ears and then mouthed dramatically, "Riley has a girlfriend."  Ughhhh.  I turned to him in shock.  Seriously??!!  With all of Luke's drama this past week, I am so sick of this girlfriend/boyfriend stuff.  And now my 10 year old is joining the madness??!   He looked at me and put on his professor face.  "No," he said seriously.  "She is not my girlfriend.  We just like each other, that's all.   I told her that if we were boyfriend and girlfriend, we might break up and then we wouldn't talk to each other anymore."   He paused for a second and I asked him what she thought about his idea.  "Oh," he said, "she agreed with me.  So that's what we are doing."

I am not sure what that makes them exactly but I decided I wouldn't ask.  I liked the plan and told him so.  Like I said, he is quite the engineer.  Even in romance :)

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