Monday, May 2, 2011

Osama Bin Laden is Dead? Yeah. So is Elvis.

May 2 -- With no disrespect to the Navy SEALs who finally caught Osama Bin Laden after um, 10 years of searching for him, (seriously, 10 years?  And everyone is like, woo hoo,  go Navy SEALS!  Helloooo, it took us 10 years to find him.  Think about that...)  Anyway, as I was saying, I really don't mean any disrespect for these brave soldiers who finally took the evil man down (and yeah, it just occurred to me that some of those guys might have been just hitting puberty when the Twin Towers went down so it's not really their fault it took 10 years to get him; they still had junior high, high school and college to get through) but...I can't help but wonder, is he really dead?

I mean, I am an avid "24" fan.  So I am no dummy.  I have many doubts and subsequent questions.  For example, did they really throw his body into the sea?  Really?  In today's world of espionage and subterfuge and centrifugal force (which makes no sense in the listing but I thought I would throw it in there for effect) I am somewhat skeptical that the guy is really dead.  Sounds more like an election ploy on Obama's part.  It just seems so, unbelievable.  They kill the guy and what, have a conversation?  "Dude, we gotta get rid of the body."   "I'm not gonna take it.  You take it."  "Me?! I'm not taking it!  Where am I going to put it?"  "The sea!  Let's just throw it there!"    For all intents and purposes, Bin Laden was famous.  Famous for being evil but famous nonetheless.  And, like the guy in Silence of the Lambs, despite his horrible personality, he got respect.  So they just like, chucked him into the sea like some kind of bio-degradeable piece of fruit?!  What happens if he comes back before the fish get to him?  What if some kid's spending a nice warm day making sandcastles miles away and suddenly Bin Laden's body comes ashore?  Really?  That's how we end 10 years of looking for the guy?!!

I don't know.  It all sounds suspicious and somewhat Hollywood to me.  Where are Jack and Chloe when you need 'em?  Somebody's got to uncover this conspiracy...

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