Friday, May 13, 2011

Tired...of being the Mom

May 13 -- It's my mom's birthday today;  she is 83 years old.  That's like, a ton older than me, haha.  So last night my sister and I took her out.  We went for pedicures and then went out for a glass of much needed wine and some nachos.  (which my mother never had before and totally loved.)  Brian and the kids had my dad over for dinner so it was just the girls and no worrying about the guys.

We had fun.  It was really nice for my mother to have a couple of hours where she didn't have to worry about my father.  She is so tired.  What cracks me up though (I have to laugh because if I didn't laugh, I would (really) cry) is how she like, still zings me all the time.  When she came over to drop off my dad, I showed her my new couch and stuff.  She was telling my sister about it, "ohhhhh," she says, rolling her eyes in my direction, "she knows how to take care of herself alright...she's living the life of Riley!"  My sister was like, "that's why she has a son named Riley!"  But I took a breath before answering.  I don't know why my mother "teases" me like that but I don't really like it.  I DO spoil myself sometimes but the word "sometimes" is key here.  I work hard too.

So I looked at my mom for a second.  And I thought about how I had this huge deadline for work and a very busy weekend with Luke's prom and camp-out thing and my niece's confirmation the next day.  And I thought about how I took time off from work to pick up my mom and dad.  And how I gave up more time to work on the newsletter deadline so that I could take my mother out for a pedicure.  And I thought about how I would be spending the next day and night, working to make up for what I missed on Thursday.  And I just shook my head because it would do no good to point that out to her.  So I just leaned over and said, "yes, I do know how to take care of myself.  Aren't you proud of me?!"

After all, isn't that what we teach our children?  Brush your teeth, make your bed, fold the laundry, learn to cook.  Learn the skills you need to take care of yourself someday.

Sometimes though I am so tired of always trying to do the right thing, say the right thing.  Sometimes I want to be the kid who has the mom taking care of her.  Just for a little while anyway.

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