Friday, May 27, 2011

Bonfire of the Boys

May 27 -- I did something tonight I never imagined I would EVER do -- I went to a high school reunion meeting.  If two of my Fab 5 members weren't going to be there I would never have gone but I was definitely strong-armed.  Overall, it was fairly harmless, planning the menu and deciding what kind of bar to offer.  But when Christina turned to the manager of the country club and asked him if we could have blue and white napkins, I burst out laughing.  I couldn't help it!  The whole concept sounded so... prom'ish.

Anyway, after we were done with planning, we ditched the others and went out for a drink and something to eat.  My hometown is soooooo small, everyone is connected in some way.  It's bizarre.  I mean totally bizarre.  It's more like two degrees of separation.

So when I got home, it was fairly late.  And there is the bonfire raging in the backyard with Luke's friends hovering.  don't these kids have a curfew?  It's nearly midnight.  Oh my God, as I type this another car has just come down the driveway.  NO way.  I have to go out and close this party because I am not staying up much longer.  What is it with these boys and their bonfires?  I know Luke is probably having a hard time telling everyone to go home.  Especially since it seems to be getting bigger, not smaller.

ughhh.  Time to go out and tell the boys to git outta here.  I hate that job but somebody has to do it.  Here I go.  (yuck)

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