Saturday, May 7, 2011

good friends

May 7 -- I just sneezed three times before I started writing this entry.  Upstairs, Brian laughed at me because when I sneeze,  i always sneeze in threes and sometimes it's really embarrassing. Tonight, we went out with some friends after the last big band bash and had a really nice time.    But when I drink red wine, I start to sneeze.  It's weird but it is what it is.

I asked Brian what I should write about tonight and he said I should write about how lucky we are to have good friends.   I am fairly certain I have written about that before but it's a great topic and yes, one that I am very grateful for.  The couple we were out with tonight has a wonderful outlook on life.  They are kind and caring and are extremely devoted to their kids.  Which isn't always an easy thing to do.  So we find inspiration in their steadfast commitment to parenting their children despite any challenging parenting  issues that might come up.  That's one of life's gifts.  To know that despite all of life's craziness, when it comes to our kids, we should always have hope.

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