Friday, May 6, 2011

Big Band Bash

May 6 -- Tonight was the second night of the annual three night Big Band Bash -- a weekend of evenings spent listening to the bands of all the schools play, a night filled with great music but lots of physical pain as parents and other family members sit huddled together, knees drawn up so as not to land on the back of the person in front, shifting uncomfortably on the hard, wooden risers in the gym.   Needless to say, while the music is wonderful and the kids are adorable, it's not something I necessarily look forward to.

Unfortunately (or fortunately depending upon how you look at it) this is our 9th year attending the concerts.  And with Riley in 5th with an avid interest in the trombone, it looks like we will have plenty more ahead of us.  But it was Luke's last one.  So when I watched him sitting there with his tux and trumpet, I was torn with emotions.  Proud of how well he did with his trumpet solo and the awesome trio he performed.  Proud of how handsome he looked.  Shocked at how OLD he looked!  How mature.  I was just looking at his graduation photo today.  It was taken only 10 months ago but he looks so much older.  Such a cutie.  And yeah, I cried.  I swear it was just yesterday that he was in 4th grade playing the trumpet with his musical nemesis (who is very talented!) Mike R.    Yuck -- I feel so old!

But it is exciting to see them grow.  I have to remember that as graduation comes closer and closer and  I work on untying the apron strings.  I don't know.  I think some of the knots are pretty hard to get undone...

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