Saturday, May 21, 2011

So I Guess the World Isn't Ending Today

May 21 -- I first heard about the world ending earlier this week.  Connor told me on I don't know, Tuesday or Wednesday night.  I was having a pretty stressful week so I guess I didn't really pay too much attention to his comments except to think -- oh good, we won't have to worry about Luke's graduation party.

Later on in the week, I heard a lot more about it.  One mother told me her fifth grade daughter got off of the bus in tears because she had heard the world was going to end on Saturday.  Poor kid.  I swear kids hear all the bad stuff about life on those stinkin' bus rides to and home from school.

So today, all day, the kids would invariably bring it up.  "Really?" they would ask incredulously.  "We have to clean the house because why?? Who cares?  The world is gonna end anyway!"  (I still insisted we clean -- what the heck, if some other species came into the world after we left, at least they would find a clean house.)

This might sound weird, but every time I really thought about it, I got this kind of peaceful feeling --  I kept thinking, who cares?  I've been a good person.  My kids are good people.  We'll all go somewhere -- heaven, utopia, blackness -- together.  And that's not a bad thing.  No more anxiety.  No more trying to fit 50 things into one day. No more sleepless nights wondering how the kids are going to turn out.  Truly.  It was kind of a nice thought.  How strange is that?!!  Something is seriously wrong if the thought of the world ending sounds appealing.  But on the other hand, it is kind of rooted in yoga training.  Live for the moment -- the now.  Because it's all we are guaranteed to have.  The more I try to focus on that concept the happier I am.

But at some point, (now that the world didn't end today after all) I guess I really have to get Luke's graduation party invitations done!!!!!

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