Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Obama vs. Osama -- It's just plain weird

May 4 --  Tonight at dinner we were talking about the Osama bin Laden farce.  haha.  Not really.   I don't think it's a farce and neither do the kids.  But they believe a lot more of what the media is spinning than I do.  So I was busting them a little about it.  All in all, it was an interesting conversation.

But as I was talking, I realized that I kept saying "Obama" instead of "Osama."  Okay, I know I am stating the obvious here but it is so remarkably WEIRD how close those two names are.  I don't believe in coincidence and it's not like the names are common ones like Jeff or Mark.  There seems to be some sort of ummmmm, logic or design behind why these two powerful men (for different reasons but powerful nonetheless) share such similar names.  But truly, beyond the strangeness of the similarity of their very unique names, I guess there isn't much there to support a conspiracy theory.

Or maybe there is.  Because really?  It is weird.

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