Monday, May 23, 2011

Coming Out and Going to the Prom

May 23 --  Over the last couple of days, I have been hearing about a kind of bizarre social trend that has been apparently going on in our town for the last several years.  Apparently, the senior prom, or during prom weekend, is the prime time for students to come out and tell their peers they are gay.  I don't really have statistical or scientific data to back this up but I heard no less than four stories about this happening in the last few years.

What is up with that?!

I guess it kind of makes sense.  Senior year and the high school experience is ending.  Students who have been holding back information for fear of being ridiculed are finally realizing they can be the person they want to be -- on the cusp of leaving the small town judgement zone, they are finally mustering up the courage to "step out into the light."  I have to say, as funky as the prom platform sounds for conveying this personal information, I applaud them for their personal courage and I wish them well.

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