Sunday, May 29, 2011

Gardening Sucks (just kidding)

May 28th -- A long, long time ago when the kids were young, I really loved to garden.  I made so many beds I lost count.  We have like, a zillion of them.  Once upon a time, this made me very happy.  When the little ones were napping and the older kids were at school, it was sheer heaven to go out and work on the flowers and vegetables.  And when they were well taken care of, man, it was beautiful.  I was a walking ad for the joys of gardening.  The zen peacefulness of seeing the flowers blossom, watching the hummingbirds dart from flower to flower.

Yeah.  Those days are long gone.  With the kids involved in sports and social activities -- are weekends are spent driving all over the place, not staying home to care for the yard.  Between busy kid schedules and rainy weather, it gets to the point where one nice day suddenly becomes a gardening frenzy.  I start on one bed and happen to look over at another one...and the weeds are disgusting.  It's all I can do to keep from crying -- there is so much work and not enough time.

It's just not fun.

But then there are days like today where all the kids pitch in and suddenly, it looks like maybe I can get the gardens under control for the season.  Fortunately, Luke and Riley and even Connor love to garden.  Tessa was a help with planting the flower pots.  And the new coop got painted a bright barn red.  It looks awesome.  And then I is fun to garden.  I just wish it didn't have to get so crammed into a few days.

But those times will come again, I know.  Although I still think I have way too many beds.  Lately, I have found myself dreaming about a pool... ad different kind of work I know but I am thinking I could cover several of the beds.  It's a thought anyway!

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