Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Cindy Hurts Her Knee. Again.

May 10 -- Today I went for a walk down by the river with Lori.  On Mother's Day, she hurt her back throwing mulch around her yard (okay, that sounds messy;  she was putting it in the flower beds.)  When she called to say she couldn't spin today I suggested I walk with her.  I love walking and besides, I needed to talk -- I was having one of my "I am so overwhelmed by life" crying moments which had basically passed by the time I went for the walk but I was looking forward to conversation instead of the huffing and puffing we usually do during a spinning class.

Anyway...on the way to the path, I called Cindy, one of my Fab 5 childhood group buddies.  Cindy is the best.  She really is.  Whenever I need to figure out some life issue, she has all this wisdom to offer.  (Mostly stuff she gets from books like The Secret and The Joy is in the Journey.)  More important than her wisdom, what I love the most about Cindy is that she is tough as nails with a sense of humor that never fails to make me smile or laugh out loud.  And she has a heart as big as Kansas.  So for some reason, this morning I kept thinking about her.  Not cuz I was having a pity-me moment, but because I just wanted to laugh.  So I called her and sure enough, she answers the phone,"omigod!!" she yells.  "Someone who knows about my knee!!"  I scrunched up my forehead when she said this, dreading her next comment.  See, when Cin was a young high school babe, she totaled her knee.  I mean totally totaled it.  And then, the doctor who was supposed to fix it?  He totaled it even more.  Her mom was sick with a terminal illness, she was like, in pain forever and the drinking age was 18.  Need I say more?!!

So the next thing out of me dear friend's mouth is, "I hurt my knee again and I hate this f'ing Secret sh*t!!  I did NOT attract this!!!!"   I cracked up.  How could I not?  Here is my buddy -- aged 47 -- riding a ripstick into a tree at a Mother's Day bonfire.  What the heck???   She adds, "at least I was doing something exciting when I got hurt."  Hmmmmm.  I guess there is some logic there but... for her sake, I do hope it's not the ligaments again.

I was thinking about her just now because I was googling "lower back pain on road bikes" -- an ailment I noticed flaring up when Brian and I went riding on Sunday.  This getting older stuff sucks.  It really does.  But I guess I should be grateful that I am in really good company :)   The joy is in the journey right?  ha.

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