Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Preparing for Prom with a Son

May 11 -- Getting Luke ready for prom this weekend is like pulling teeth.  I am sure there is a lesson in there somewhere for his controlling, order-loving mom but right now, three days before the event,  I just long for a little feminine organization on his part.

Me:  So...who is going to be here for the camp-out after the prom?
Luke: ummmm...uhhhhh...I don't know.  I'll find out though!
(Oh good.  But I won't hold my breath okay?!)

Me:  So who is going with you in your car?  Is Kevin and his date going with you?
Luke:  Nah.  I'm sure Kevin will have that all organized.  He'll take care of getting his date and getting her to prom.
Me:  Really?  Because that would be illegal.
Luke:  Huh?!
Me:  Ummm, helloo?  He can't drive anyone in his car yet?  Remember, like, the law?!!
Luke:  Oh yeah.

And so it goes.  About groceries (for the beach.)  And picking up the tux.  And the flowers.  And who is going to the beach?  And what is the deal for senior skip day?  I get nothing.   Nothing concrete that is.

All I can say is I need some order.  I am a walking stomach ache of tension right now and when I am stressed I like things to be clean and all in a row.  Not happenin' here.  Yes, I get the idea of a life lesson in the works.  But quite frankly?  I'm just not in the mood.

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