Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Cindy has Strep. And Sinusitus.

May 24 -- I called my friend Cindy today, she who hurt her knee and required laporoscopic (sp) surgery.  I was just telling Lori about how in a very bizarre way, illnesses or pulled muscles that sideline us are often our body's way of telling us to relax.  It gives us the ability to say "no."   And then I talked to Cindy.  She sounded horrible.

Not only did she hurt her knee, now she was dealing with a nasty case of sinus infection and possibly strep.  Truly -- she sounded like total crap.  I am not calling her again for a long, long, time.  I want to talk to her when she is all well and has gained a life affirming perspective about the whole situation.  Just kidding.  I'll call her in a few days to see if she sounds any better, poor kid.

Speaking of calling people who sound awful -- I called my mother today too.  She totally gave me the witchy guilt trip she has done her whole life (and mine).  The one where she gets snotty with me for not calling.  If there was nothing to intense going on with her, she wouldn't care.  But apparently her sister, my aunt, is in the hospital and she is freaking out because she hasn't been able to talk to her.  I was like, hellooooo, do you even know my number?  You could call me too.  Whatever.  It's a total downer every time I call her.  I wasn't able to tell her any of our good news because she is so unbelievably focused on her bad news. 

It's like having another child.  And I want a full time job?  Really?  I don't know.  I just don't know.

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